Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is not meant to be a regularly updated blog - just a useful resource for university students, the newly relocated, or just the average poor Joe who wants to enjoy a plentiful gourmand life with a rice cooker as one's sole utensil.

This begins with the crazy life I've been thrown into here at school. I've graduated a couple of days ago but I'm staying around on campus to bartend for reunions. The university has been kind enough to provide me with housing. But NOT kind enough to give me their usual dining halls, a fridge, or even non-suspicious tap water! How was I to live? I'm not staying here over time to earn money just to have it spent on the expensive luxury restaurants around here. I need to take a stand! Luckily me and my happy rice cooker have lived a long four years together and it's taught me many recipes that might come in handy when you're looking for some nourishment.

Also please check out my other regularly-updated blog The Source for Japanese Indie Info if you want to discover awesome music each day!